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a space to grow


We are an arts charity inspired by growing evidence such as the award-winning World Health Organisation Health Evidence Network Report ‘What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being- A scoping Review 2019’


‘The report finds evidence of the contribution of the arts to the promotion of good health and the prevention of a range of mental and physical health conditions, as well as the treatment or management of acute and chronic conditions arising across the life-course.’ You can access the findings from the report here. World Health organisation review on Art improving wellbeing  


35 Middle Wall, Whitstable, CT5 1BJ


7 - 9 PM


Tuesdays 25th Feb to 15th April

Life Drawing Class

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£15 per session

Creative Events

We host a number of different creative activites that are open to the general public, you can find them here and how to book


We try to keep sessions affordable and some session are even free due to our grants and other fund rasing efforts. 

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

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​We run a series of creative activities in person and virtually, For more information on each Project click the button below and learn how to get involved


​If you would like to register to volunteer or are part of an organisation that would like to partner with us to deliver exciting projects for local communities please drop us an email Info@InASpace


Want to get involved?

If you are a landlord of a vacant commercial property that could benefit the arts and the local community, you want to save on costs.
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